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Surfing Buena Vista (with Katarzyna Badach) BUENA VISTA UNTIL WE GROW WINGS (Super 8 Film, edited in 2019)

“Until we grow wings…” A surfer

“Surfing”, hanging off the vehicles that run down the avenues around Havana’s Buena Vista neighborhood, is one of the favorite pursuits of its young inhabitants. To take part, all you need is a torrential downpour and a pair of sports shoes from which you can tear off the soles, making it oneof the most appealing and economically viable activities for its participants (after all, almost everyone has an old pair of shoes). Of course, it is also one of the most outlawed of hobbies.What interested us more than the act of rebellion was “surfing” as a way of transcending the monotony and boredom of daily routine; as an outward display of man’s longing to feel like he is “flying” – and the beautiful instant in which this wish seems to turn into reality.